Anyone experiencing random APACHE/MYSQL non-responsive with MAMP Pro v6.6.2 macOS?

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Anyone experiencing random APACHE/MYSQL non-responsive with MAMP Pro v6.6.2 macOS?

Post by mampsupportmod »

Since MAMP Pro v6.6.2 (MySQL 5.7.34) MySQL/Apache suddenly stops serving database connections after some time. In my experiences it's usually once or twice in a day running 24x7. I have 10 CMS sites with DB's that will suddenly stop responding. MySQL is still running. There are no errors anywhere - MySQL, Apache, or PHP error logs. I have to force stop/start MySQL and it's fine again

I also have Apache sites running in MAMP with no databases - these sites render fine when MySQL suddenly stops responding to database requests. So its leaving me to believe something with the MySQL build for MySQL v5.7.34 in the latest MAMP release for Mac.

MAMP Pro v6.3.2 with my SQL v5.7.32 runs fine with my same 10 CMS DB's and PHP versions, only difference is Intel vs ARM M1 hardware.

macOS Montery 12.4
M1 ARM Mac Mini
MAMP Pro v6.6.2
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