localhost wordpress site on MAMP Mac OSX disappeared

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localhost wordpress site on MAMP Mac OSX disappeared

Post by jprout65 »

I have made attempts to allow a localhost wordpress site on my MAMP Mac OSX machine to be viewable on different devices and have lost my site styling. I tried changing ports, etc.. to no avail. At the moment, when I type localhost:8888/wp-admin into my browser it returns... "The requested URL /wp-login was not found on this server.". localhost:8888 returns the information for the site but all formatting is completely gone and images are missing. Extensive web searches, wp-config.php edits and endless db changes proved fruitless. I've attached the current state of my localhost testing site.
Screen Shot 2022 04 14 At 4.19.51 PM
Screen Shot 2022 04 14 At 4.19.51 PM (129.36 KiB) Viewed 5072 times
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